Tuesday, April 5, 2011

what can we do?

As America slips behind other countries in math This artical talks about students failing in fath at snow college. LDS Missionarys it says are not doing well in math, students don't have the opporunity to connect math to the real world. A math teacher says nurses need more math to get measuring right. Another math teacher says it helps students think absractly and have order skills. Many schools are now focusing on math concepts rather then rote memorization. Utah has now made it's graduation requirement from 2 years of math to 3 years. This looks so one sided and biest. Math teachers go to college to learn how to be math teachers, can they get any other kind of job? what kind? does it pay well? is it worth it? I want a Math teacher to teach me how to make money I can live on. I want to hear a quotes from the nurses telling me what kind of math they use all the time, what are they? what businessess need math? why? how much are they willing to pay for a math job? what is the other side of this story, the business side? is there any business in math? what else can we use trinomials and algorithm skills for?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Why I called this thing Algebra Jog

I called it that because I want to use this as a Tool I can use all the time and to Jog my Memory of what I've already learned.
And also when I think of a Jog, I think of getting up in the fresh cool mornings and go running though the Neighborhood as it wakes me up and I get to enjoy all the beautiful things that I didn't notice yesterday or when I take a different rout to go exploring, or go to the library, or go just to get to know Neighbors.

So my Goal is to make you feel that way when you take a Jog in my Math Blogg.
Have fun :)

Explanation / Introduction

Explanation / Introduction

I am student going to a Collage, and I've decided if I'm going to have tuns of home work paper and I'm going to need to practice and re-practice what I'm trying to learn, Then I mite as well make it useful and write some thing easier then a text book written by a math guenuse that is so fare ahead of me which it makes it really difficult to relate to them.
I want some one that I(a Student) can relate to, I want some thing a Student has written, I want a student's point of view. So seance there isn't one yet, I will do it.

And after this, It would be so cool to see a High School student write a text book in his point of view and then it would be the most awesome to see a 1st Grader write his own text book. For as much homework papers we students have to write we mite as well.

Oh, and when I was in High School I and the other Students would ask. "When am I ever going to use this?" "Why should I do it if I'm never going to use this?" "Some of these problems the teachers don't even know how to do how do they expect us to?" Ya, I still don't know but they are going to require us to do it any way so I'm going to eather find what it was use for or find some thing to use it with(Impossable you may say) Doesn't stop me from trying LOL :D .

(You may be thinking this is for the weak) No, this is not a blogg for the idiot, for dummies, or for the rest of us.
I have met some of the smartest guys in the world(well they though they were) and I could still stump them with a question in 2 seconts with some thing I know. I have ADD but I think every one does in one form or another. It's one of the the things that makes me normal.
Did you know that Albert Einstein planted trees to his way to work so he could get there with out getting lost? And did you know that he didn't know how to do basic math? I was surprized about that too. Oh, and it was proved he had ADD. Sounds like an Oxymoron to me " Einstein Disabled to do some thing? ha ha ya right" If he can do it, then so can I.

So because of this I have come to the concution "If there is some thing to be known, Then some one doen't know it" Some of the most oviest things we think every one knows, we find some one doesn't and I have found every one has fallen in to that cattigory.

This is a Blogg for those with common seance and want to use what they learn, who want to say "I can do that", "I love this!", "this is more then fun, this is Cool!". This will build you up and respect you as some one who is just as smart as the next wise guy, only they are smart with some thing different. I would love to see math books written by Students that love video games and relate math, or others that love football, Dancing, Art, and other things that people are passionate about. I feel that math would grow in so many ways that it would keep growing. And when the Studnets asked "why?" then we could say "Becuase of this :) " and not "Because I said so :( "